Friday 31 January 2014


It has been a very long week at Holoholo HQ, and despite it being Friday, with two days left at the day job and tonnes to do either side, it's not going to be a very restful weekend. However! A little bit of Scandinavian escapism has broken up the day in the form of some office planning. I posted a while ago about a few desks we've had in mind from Ikea, but now we've decided which to go for, we've been able to plan a little more of what's going to be needed for the new office.

As well as that are the array of lamps, which we're yet to choose between. There will no doubt be a need for plenty of light, so it may be that we need a few of one or two of the designs. Hello energy saving bulbs!

I can't wait til we can finally get set up and get properly organised. Shouldn't be too long now!

Here's hoping your weekend is a little more zen than mine. Happy Friday!

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