Monday, 19 January 2015

Blue Monday

Today has been a blue Monday at HQ, but not in the traditional sense, thankfully! It's been a day of printing dresses, tanks and tops for our launch at the end of the month. It's quite likely I have blue in my hair, and it's certain I have it all over my hands, but luckily the majority made it onto the lovely organic cotton of the first Holoholo pieces.

It's all cutting, printing and sewing this week, which is nice as it means a break from computer-based endeavours that do get a little monotonous after a time. Getting on board with Google Webmaster Tools has been interesting and definitely helpful, but it is a welcome break to get a bit messy and get some clothes made.

Happily, things are moving forward nicely and we should have everything up and running within the next couple of weeks. Hope your Monday has been far from blue!

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