Wednesday, 31 December 2014


2014 is nearly up, so it seems only right to reflect on the year that's passed, look forward to the coming one and get together a collection of hopes and goals for 2015.

Toward the end of this year it's been fairly tough at my day/evening job; had it not been for the great friends I get to see every day I may have crumbled after one too many eight hour shifts on my feet with barely the chance to neck a mini bag of chocolate buttons and chug my daily can of Sprite. It's always the busiest time of year for the industry, and therefore it's somewhat to be expected, although that's little comfort when trying to fit in all the usual Christmas activities whilst attempting to launch a business alongside a heavy workload. I've no intention to spend the last post of 2014 complaining, but it does sometimes help to give a little insight when it may look as though I've been slacking a tad in documenting the Holoholo journey.

We really are heading toward our soft launch next month, which will see the first collection of pieces available to buy, and our first set of marketing campaigns going live. There is still plenty to do (the rabbit-hole nature of marketing means one could easily get lost looking at options and not resurface for several years) and therefore we're a couple of weeks off from the launch, but as soon as it's possible we'll be getting the pieces live and allowing you to once and for all have the opportunity to own a Holoholo original.

One of the tasks on the agenda for early 2015 is to get in contact with some bricks-and-mortar stockists that will take on a number of pieces to sell in their boutiques, in order to reach a wider audience and to give customers the opportunity to see each garment in the flesh (or cotton) before buying. This is great because it means visiting some of our favourite towns and cities to liaise with stockists, which is always enjoyable despite being technically classed as 'work'.

We hope to sell to UK customers as well as internationally, and aim to reach a number of countries by the end of the year. If we can gain some international stockists too, then fantastic!

The main goal of the coming year however is fairly simple: to grow. Not only to grow on a sales and financial level, but also to improve our processes and services by learning from experience and adapting to the realities of the market. It may be that one area of social media is making no impact, or that the website crops up with some unexpected kinks - the important thing is that we move on and continue to make Holoholo the best it can be, for you and for us!

It's really exciting and a bit daunting to think that in a few weeks we'll be live and ready for action, but really it is what I've been working toward since the day I started this blog, and it'll therefore be a proud day when the first Holoholo piece is sold and sent off to a new home.

A great big thank you to everyone that has stopped by throughout the year to have a gander at what we've been up to, especially to those that come back regularly and check out what's new at HQ. I look forward to revealing all in the near future. A happy and prosperous new year to you all!

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