Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Launching Holoholo -- Beautiful Sustainable Clothing

So it's true, March has somehow rolled around and the first few signs of spring are here. It seems the sun has come out to celebrate our official, bonafide launch, and what better way to encourage our future customers to buy some new things for the warmer months ahead? Head on over to the website to see each design in full and get your hands on one of the first ever Holoholo pieces. I'm in the process of writing up a spot of info on how the purchase of sustainable clothing affects you as a wearer and not just the environment and the supply chain, which will soon make it onto the website for everyone to have a read of.

As we move forward into trading territory, the blog will still exist and as well as documenting the progress of the business, it will also feature more information about sustainability in fashion, the printing processes we've used and plan to expand into, and much much more.

You can follow us on Facebook now to keep up to date with everything that's going on, as well as on Twitter and Pinterest, too.

It would be amazing to have your support on these platforms in order to help reach as many people as possible, so please do like and share to your heart's content and let your friends know who we are and what we do!

Thank you so much to everyone that has been following the journey - it would be lovely to know what you think of the first collection and what your favourite design is. Pop a comment below or drop me and email and let me know your thoughts. Happy Tuesday, all!

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